What time is it? Did you make time for your spouse? Did you make time for your family, your kids, your parents, your friends, your career? Did you make time for God? Time is a precious irreplaceable gift and a valuable commodity. How have you spent it? How many of us have said, “I just didn’t have time!” How many of us have said, “Wow, where did the time go?” God is eternal and He has placed us right in the middle of time. Time is finite, temporary. Eternity is infinite, forever.
Years ago, I had an opportunity to be part owner and General Manager of a radio station. I blew it. Why? I didn’t get the final paperwork signed in the mail…on time. Of course, the investors were furious. Thousands of dollars were shot. Gone. Many times, we lose when we do not recognize the value of time. Consequently, sometimes, God has a miraculous way of giving us all one last opportunity to redeem the time. Because the enemy is quite busy to do his best to steal, kill and destroy. Ephesians 5:15-17 - See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” This scripture refers to all of us. You want to see change? Be obedient to what God says WHEN God says. WE all have the opportunity to be a catalyst for change. One powerful way is to vote. Yes, vote. Your vote makes a difference. Get involved to make a difference. March? Sure! Protest? Fine. But a march and protest is the beginning of baking the cake. NOW, we must mix more ingredients before it gets in the oven to produce a sweet product designed by God with our obedience. This is not a joke. Get out and vote. Assist someone who doesn’t know how to get started to get registered. Remember God’s word as we redeem the time, because we don’t have much time. God is giving us a window of time, WHEN we redeem the time.
It’s time to get up and move. Vote. Pray. And believe. We can become part of the problem or part of the solution. Be the catalyst for change. Before time…runs out.